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How We Will Help You

Our objective is to produce the highest quality survey data in the most cost-effective ways. OSR offers a comprehensive set of services to meet your survey research needs, from initial project design to budgeting, sampling, questionnaire development, data collection, analysis and report writing. We will help you take your project from start to finish.

We collect data using the following modes: telephone interviewing, online web surveys, mail questionnaires, in-person interviews, and mixed modes.

Experience and Expertise

Our experienced professional project management team has conducted hundreds of projects and overseen the completion of many thousands of interviews. As a university-based survey research unit, our staff remains current on best practices and emerging research issues, as well as advances in sampling and data collection methodologies. Our interviewers are trained to implement your research plans and strictly follow your study protocol.


For phone and in-person data collection or data entry, OSR uses the CASES data collection software, the most advanced and widely used data collection package among academic survey centers in the U.S. For web-based surveys, OSR primarily uses Qualtrics. We will provide you with data in the file format of your choice — SPSS, SAS, STATA, Excel, or plaintext.


Our telephone interviewing Lab on MSU’s campus has over 40 interviewing stations with capacity for upwards of 2,000 interviewing hours each week. In a given year, our interviewing staff makes more than one million phone calls. OSR’s mail processing staff sends out more than 100,000 pieces of mail each year.


All OSR interviewers participate in many hours of training that focuses on best practices in survey research data collection. Our supervisors are trained to monitor interviewers and provide feedback to help them improve interviewing skills and ensure data quality. All interviewers, data entry staff and professional staff are IRB trained and certified.

Contact Us

To discuss your project, contact Matt Grossmann at [email protected]or 517-353-1763.