Ready to inform today's policy debates? Looking for innovative and creative ways to amplify your research among policy-making circles?
Two of the best in the business -- IPPSR Director Matt Grossmann and IPPSR Associate Director Arnold Weinfeld -- are sharing ways to your research in front of decisionmakers.
More than ever, policymakers are seeking contextural information combined with the facts and information critical to addressing society's greatest problems every day.
Often, they must search beyond anecdotal constituent conversations for research-based information to begin crafting, drafting, writing, passing legislation offering effective, problem-solving strategies. Researchers have an important role to play in providing that research-based information in ways that are timely and relevant to the policy making process. Add your voice -- and research.
Dr. Grossmann and Associate Director Weinfeld's recommendations include:
- Information that policy makers at all levels of government are looking for from researchers
- Practical guidelines for writing research briefs
- Campus resources for applied, policy-relevant research
- Effective strategies for connecting your scholarship to the policy-making community
This is an event inviting faculty, researchers and student scholars.
- Michigan Applied Public Policy Research grants
- State of the State Survey
- Public Policy Forums
- IPPSR Affiliated Faculty
- Policy Wonk Blog
- Correlates of State Policy
See the video (Coming soon!)
Sponsored by: Institute for Public Policy and Social Research, University Outreach and Engagement, Academic Advancement Network, MSU centers for focused policy education, leadership development, survey research and outreach and engagement.